Tuesday, October 25, 2005

sqlplus commands
AskTom "sql*plus on unix terminals"
to retrive comand history for sqlplus under HP-unix
alias sqlplus="ied sqlplus"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Oracle, Unix, RAM memory fencing in HP/UX, dba mlock

RAM memory fencing in HP/UX

In HP/UX, the LOCK_SGA=true init.ora parameter is used. In addition, the following steps must be completed as root:

Do the following:

1) Login as root:
%su root

2) Create the file "/etc/privgroup":
$vi /etc/privgroup

3) Add line "dba MLOCK" to file.
Note: The group dba is assuming the oracle owner's ID is part of
the dba group.

4) As root, run the command "/etc/setprivgrp -f /etc/privgroup":
$/etc/setprivgrp -f /etc/privgroup