Friday, August 17, 2007

find: cannot stat odbc while running

> ./

Disclaimer: The purpose of this script is to relax permissions on some of the
files in the database Oracle Home so that all clients can access them.
Please note that Oracle Corporation recommends using the most restrictive file
permissions as possible for your given implementation. Running this script
should be done only after considering all security ramifications.

-n Do you wish to continue (y/n) [n]:
find: cannot stat odbc

Finished running the script successfully
Please see /tmp/changePerm_err.log for errors and /tmp/changePerm.log for the log of events

--excerpt from Note:453603.1

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version:
This problem can occur on any platform.


-- Problem Statement:
While running on, getting following error
find: cannot stat odbc
Finished running the script successfully
Please see /tmp/changePerm_err.log for errors and /tmp/changePerm.log


Most likely cause of this problem is there is no odbc directory inside $ORACLE_HOME.
The script cannot find the folder odbc and the log files /tmp/changePerm_err.log for errors and /tmp/changePerm.log are 0 bytes


-- To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::
Ignore the error message
The script has been run successfully. The permissions inside $ORACLE_HOME should be relaxed.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Determining Space used by Filegroups

dbcc molestations( n )

n is the fileid which you can get from
select fileid,name from sysfiles

Here is a query that simulates sp_spaceused, modified to group by groupid (you can look up the filegroup names in sysfilegroups):

SUM(CASE WHEN indid <> 100
AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
GROUP BY groupid
ORDER BY groupid;

Thursday, August 02, 2007

"no TTY available" with secure remote excution shell(SSH)

ssh radev01 ls

Unauthorized Use Prohibited and Will be Prosecuted

Received disconnect from 2: Password change required but no TTY available

[Root Cause]
The password in target server has been expired.

Explicitly logon to the server and changed the password.