Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ora-07445 $cold_qerfxArrayMaxSize()

Tue Sep 18 22:12:34 2007
Errors in file /software/oracle/admin/OOOS/bdump/odsp_j001_25476.trc:
ORA-00081: address range [0x60000000000F5A40, 0x60000000000F5A44) is not readable
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [$cold_qerfxArrayMaxSize()+7456] [SIGBUS] [Invalid address alignment] [0x00000002
B] [] []

Associated Bug: 5442780 on HP-UX Itanium platform

'Invalid Block Type' Reported During Default Database Install


Downloaded from metalink. Oracle from OTN.

Started apply apply patch and DBCA fails with

ERROR IN WRITING TO FILE LIBJMISC.SL[INVALID BLOCK TPYE] at 11% while copying the datafiles.

Checked with metalink, this could be due to file corrupted while download.

To verify this, the download page for the patch on Metalink has a button "View Digest" which shows the checksums
of the zip file.

Patch: p5337014_10203_HP64.zip
1424057924 bytes
MD5 : AC57E417EA46F6A281B54ACC338FD86B

To check the checksum of the download with an
MD-5 checker.
Public Domain checkers are available like on

In my case , the checksum are shown below.

F2310739DACE8F9EB7C6067A8A7A1434 (wrong md5 chksum)

AC57E417EA46F6A281B54ACC338FD86B (correct md5 chksum)

From here , I learned taht for big file, verify the Digest is really important.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

modify inline constraint

ods01@/software/oraods/product/10.2.0/bin> ./oerr ora 1451
01451, 00000, "column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL"
// *Cause: the column may already allow NULL values, the NOT NULL constraint
// is part of a primary key or check constraint.
// *Action: if a primary key or check constraint is enforcing the NOT NULL
// constraint, then drop that constraint.

This problem occurred during a database migration.
Failed statement is "alter table test_table modify colname NULL;". Developer told me was working.

Did a "desc test_table"
The column of "NULL?" is blank, which usually means NULLable.
However, check dba_constraints, it shown column not null and enabled.

This is discrepancy caused by my migration steps" alter table modify constraint enable NOVALIDATE;"

After I issue " alter table modify constraint enable;" again. The DESC tallys with dba_constraint, i.e. show me NOT NULL.

Subsequently, the failed job went through.

location of opatch lsenv

notice the location of "opatch lsinventory" changed in

Log file location : /software/oracle/product/10.2.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch-2007_Sep_14_09-54-43-SGT_Fri.log

Lsinventory Output file location : /software/oracle/product/10.2.0/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory-2007_Sep_14_09-54-43-SGT_Fri.txt

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Pro*c compilation error

Problem: Pro*c compilation error on HP-UX Itanium Platform

cc -o pass10g pass.c -I$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -L$ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh

proc itanium ld: Can't find library or mismatched ABI for -lclntsh

Solution: change to 32bit lib , i.e.
cc -o pass10g pass.c -I$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -L$ORACLE_HOME/lib32 -lclntsh