Note the low_value and high_value are in RAW(32) format.
2. google and found a few article, but only this works correctly for me. As some of them giving higher number for low_value than high_value. i.e. the low_value is likely to be year 2169, while high value is year 2017. Guess this is computer using two digits to represent years in YY.
sharing his code here. Thanks Mr. Sun.
1. create a function as follows (copied from a website)
create or replace function display_raw (rawval raw, type varchar2) return varchar2 is cn number; cv varchar2(32); cd date; cnv nvarchar2(32); cr rowid; cc char(32); begin if (type = 'NUMBER') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cn); return to_char(cn); elsif (type = 'VARCHAR2') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cv); return to_char(cv); elsif (type = 'DATE') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cd); return to_char(cd); elsif (type = 'NVARCHAR2') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cnv); return to_char(cnv); elsif (type = 'ROWID') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cr); return to_char(cnv); elsif (type = 'CHAR') then dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rawval, cc); return to_char(cc); else return 'UNKNOWN DATATYPE'; end if; end; /
2. Issue the following statement with table name and column name
col column_name format a20 col low_val format a20 col high_val format a20 select a.column_name, display_raw(a.low_value,b.data_type) as low_val, display_raw(a.high_value,b.data_type) as high_val, a.num_distinct from dba_tab_col_statistics a, dba_tab_cols b where a.table_name='TABLE_NAME' and a.table_name=b.table_name and a.column_name=b.column_name and a.owner='MYOWNER' and b.owner='MYOWNER' -- and a.column_name ='COL_NAME' /
Today I had chance to try this article and found it works well too.
select low_VALUE , high_value from dba_tab_col_statistics where TABLE_NAME='ACCOUNTS' and COLUMN_NAME='DATETIME';
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
77C50718010101 78710C17103A39
set serveroutput on
rv RAW(32) ;
dt DATE;
select LOW_VALUE into rv from dba_tab_col_statistics where TABLE_NAME='ACCOUNTS' and COLUMN_NAME='DATETIME' and owner='TAN';
dbms_stats.convert_raw_value(rv, dt);
dbms_output.put_line( TO_CHAR(dt, 'dd-MON-yyyy hh:mm'));
23-OCT-1970 12:10
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
following the code in
The low_value decoded are not correct for date columns.
---------------------- ---------- ------------------ ------------------
ID NUMBER 6820 877120576
DATETIME DATE 2096-7-24 0:0:0 2013-12-23 15:57:56
TRANSACTIONDATE DATE 2096-7-24 0:0:0 2013-12-23 2:37:3
36 rows selected.
36 rows selected.