Tuesday, April 15, 2008

manuipulation of outline

all run as sysdba
--to turn off outline
SQL> alter system set use_stored_outlines=false;

System altered.

--to capture outline

SQL> alter system flush shared_pool;

System altered.

SQL> alter system set create_stored_outlines='ARBOR_1154_10G_BIP_LQ0415';

System altered.

--to rename outline
select 'alter outline ' || ol_name || ' rename to ' || 'BIF_1154_EBF' || substr(ol_name,12,30)||';' from outln.ol$ where category='ARBOR_1154_10G_BIP_LQ0415';

--to merge outline ARBOR_1154_10G_CAP into USE_CUSTPA
select count(*) from outln.ol$ where category='ARBOR_1154_10G_CAP';
select count(*) from outln.ol$ where category='USE_CUSTPA';
execute outln_pkg.update_by_cat('ARBOR_1154_10G_CAP','USE_CUSTPA');
select count(*) from outln.ol$ where category='ARBOR_1154_10G_CAP';
select count(*) from outln.ol$ where category='USE_CUSTPA';

--to turn on outline
alter system set use_stored_outlines=USE_CUSTPA;