Friday, April 22, 2011

11g Real Time SQL monitor


V$SQL_MONITOR displays SQL statements whose execution have been (or are being) monitored by Oracle. An entry is created in V$SQL_MONITOR every time the execution of a SQL statement is being monitored. SQL monitoring is automatically started when a SQL statement runs parallel or when it has consumed at least 5 seconds of CPU or I/O time.
When the SQL statement being monitored is executing, statistics in V$SQL_MONITOR are generally refreshed in near real time, once every second. Once the execution ends, monitoring information is not deleted immediately. Instead, it is kept in V$SQL_MONITOR for at least one minute. The entry will eventually be deleted to reclaim its space as new statements are monitored.


V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR displays plan level monitoring statistics for each SQL statement found in V$SQL_MONITOR. Each row in V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR corresponds to an operation of the execution plan being monitored. As with V$SQL_MONITOR, statistics exposed in V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR are generally updated every second when the statement executes. These statistics are recycled on the same basis as V$SQL_MONITOR.
To eliminate the overhead of SQL plan monitoring, statistics collected for each operation of the plan don't record timing information such as elapsed time, CPU time, or I/O time. Instead, this timing information can be estimated quite accurately by joining V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR with V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY on SQL_ID, SQL_EXEC_START, SQL_EXEC_ID, and SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID (simply named PLAN_LINE_ID in V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR). The result of that join is a sample of the activity performed by each operation in the plan, from which an estimate of CPU time and wait time can be derived.