Tuesday, October 29, 2019

about data guard FAL setting

FAL_SERVER = Specifies one or more Oracle Net service names for the databases from which this standby database can fetch (request) missing archived redo log files.

FAL_CLIENT = This parameter is no longer required. If it is not set, the fetch archive log (FAL) server will obtain the client's network address from the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter that corresponds to the client's DB_UNIQUE_NAME.

With broker configured

Yes the broker handles it. FAL_CLIENT would not be set at all but FAL_SERVER would default itself to the primary db_unique_name. That´s the beauty of the Broker - it really sorts these things out for you, so in my experience the best setup with Broker is to not set anything before hand, but let the Broker sort all those parameters for you. And if you need to change something, always do it from the dgmgrl interface - not sql*plus - as that would cause inconsistencies with the Broker configuration.