Thursday, September 29, 2011

tnsping response time

Should I use TNSPING to test my oracle net performance ?


Typically when TNSPING times go up in Dedicated Server configuration, it is because the system is hitting a high level of load and the listener is having to wait for a process to fork and execute the oracle dedicated server.The TNSPING program sends a packet to the listener,which goes into it’s listening queue.If there were also connect requests in the queue, then the listener will handle each request (including the tns “ping”) in the order they were received per second. If those connect requests take time, then it will take time to process the ping.TNSPING should never be used to test network performance. TNSPING’s only function is to send a connect Packet (NSPTCN) to the listener, Listener replies with a refuse Packet (NSPTRF) and a round trip time is computed. A slow TNSPING time could be anything from poor DNS resolution to a slow network to a busy listener to a busy server.

If connections are going fine ,We should not be worried about the tnsping response time.