Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Delphix cron

Delphix cron used by replication job is Quartz CronTrigger scheduler

And below is its format.


A cron expression is a string comprised of 6 or 7 fields separated by white space. Fields can contain any of the allowed values, along with various combinations of the allowed special characters for that field. The fields are as follows as I copy it from the site. But I think there error with 5th & 6th position , which should swap the "Day of week" and "Year"

Field NameMandatoryAllowed ValuesAllowed Special Characters
SecondsYES0-59, - * /
MinutesYES0-59, - * /
HoursYES0-23, - * /
Day of monthYES1-31, - * ? / L W
MonthYES1-12 or JAN-DEC, - * /
Day of weekYES1-7 or SUN-SAT, - * ? / L #
YearNOempty, 1970-2099, - * /