Friday, April 18, 2008

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [729], [12256], [space leak], [], [], [], [], []

A space leak has been detected in the User Global Area (UGA).
There is NO data corruption as a result of this error.
It is an internal memory housekeeping problem.
Arg [a] This is the number of bytes leaked
PROCESS FAILURE - But only during logoff so impact is minimal.
NON CORRUPTIVE - No underlying data corruption.
Event 10262 can be set to safely ignore small memory leaks.
Set the following in init.ora for example to disable space
leaks less than 4000 bytes:
event = "10262 trace name context forever, level 4000"
and stop and restart the database.
Repeated errors or large memory leaks can be diagnosed further by
sending the alert.log and trace files to Oracle support.
ORA-00600[729] can be considered as an informational message rather than an error message.Oracle detected a space leak and it is informing
the same. When a user session connects certian amount of memory is allocated to
it. When session logs off this memroy has to released. If Orcle find a differenc
e between the allocated memory and released memory that difference will be repo
rted as a leak. The leaked space will be given back to OS>
In this case space leak is of 28 bytes which is negligible.
However you can set the event 10262 to stop this error.

In init.ora -> event ="10262 trace name context forever, level 90000"

In spfile.ora -> alter system set event="10262 trace name context forever,
level 90000" scope=spfile;

Please restart the instance once you set this parameter.